Service User Forum
We want to put our clients at the heart of shaping and improving our services and are now looking to start a Service User Forum. This is an opportunity for our clients to feedback on the support they received at SV2 and be consulted on matters such as service provision and development, policy and procedures, and anything that impacts on the clients accessing SV2.
All we ask is that you’re a current or past client of SV2. If you’re interested in hearing more or would like to be involved please complete this form or email
We’d love to hear your thoughts!
We want our clients to feel heard and empowered to give feedback about our services so that we can offer the best service possible. You can do this at any time on our website or in your sessions.
How would you like to give feedback?
Secondary Survivors Poll
A secondary survivor is a family member, partner, friend or anyone affected because someone they know or care about who has experienced sexual violence.
We’d like to hear your thoughts on what secondary survivors might want from SV2.

- After speaking to community members whose primary language was not English it was suggested that we could add QR codes onto our leaflets which linked to our website so that text can be easily translated – we’re pleased to say this has now been done and you can view our newly designed leaflets here. We’re also working on some simple animations to explain our services in a more accessible way – keep an eye out for those soon!
- Some of our clients have asked how they can give us feedback or be more involved – We’ve redesigned our feedback forms which clients can complete at any stage, we’re also setting up a Service User Involvement Panel which you can read more about at the top of this page
- After speaking to men in the community it became clear that myths around male victims of sexual abuse are still common, men told us that they wanted more information about this. We’ve added this onto our website and you can read about here
Share Your Story
Interested in sharing your story with other survivors?